Daria • Product Designer


Selected works


Onboarding, Paywalls & AppStore

The app has a subscription-based pricing model. To get access to app functionality, people need to purchase a subscription. First-time visitor journey starts in AppStore and continues through app onboarding to a paywall.

App installs and first-time visitors conversion are one of the critical metrics of the app that we're continually trying to improve. And this is how the onboarding, AppStore screenshots and the paywall used to look before:

Process & Result

We started with redesigning the onboarding experience in March 2020. My work included the whole process from customer research and high-level concepts to the final designs and QA.
We decided to break the full onboarding flow down into two parts. The first part is a personal plan setup where we walk first-time visitors through a series of questions to calculate macros (maximum amount of carbs, fats and proteins a person is recommended to consume daily to stay on a diet) and tie a diet plan to their specific needs.
The onboarding continues after subscription purchase. We encourage new users to track their most recent meal to try out the main app functionality and complete the task critical for activation.
Following the onboarding release, the next part was paywall and AppStore optimisation. We ran a series of experiments with different versions of the paywall and app screenshots that I designed.
As a result of the paywall, onboarding and AppStore optimisation, by the end of July 2020, we increased first-time visitors conversion to paid customers by 2.33% and a total number of paid customers by 30.1%.